
Maybe I was afraid of it happening because I knew all along that it would--I have stalled. Or maybe more nicely I could say, I have given myself a vacation. Vacation or stall, I have been halfhearted in both writing and fitness and it is time to be a badass again.

I have relocated to Asbury Park for the month of August. I've spent a lot of time on the beach and a lot of time watching Netflix in my cozy room.

I am going to draft a daily schedule, try to stick to it:

6 am: alarm
6.15 up n at'em
6.30 exercise/pickle walk
8 home for shower/breaky/dressed
9 writing
12 lunch/walk
1 writing
3:30 break
4 writing
6 walk to dog beach
7 dinner
9 the night
11 in bed for sleep

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