
Everywhere has something

Ever heard of Wilkes-Berre? Neither had I, and I was fully prepared to write it off as a do-nothing town near a third-rate city with nothing to offer other than a place to rest my head. But as I left my hotel, resigned to finding some sort of fast-food breakfast and get out of Dodge, I found that a bustling farmer's market had popped up over night.

The Wilke-Berre Farmer's Market is full of cheap, fresh produce, vibrant vendors, and has a live entertainment schedule all summer. I ended up spending the morning wandering the stalls and meeting lots of friendly people (with Pickle's help).

Instead of departing Wikes-Berre with a grumbly tummy, I had a locally farmed breakfast and a dose of understanding that sometimes just a little patience is needed before a place will reveal itself. Visit http://www.wilkes-barre.pa.us/farmersm.php for the Wilkes-Berre, PA Farmer's Market and live entertainment schedule.

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